Monthly Archives: September 2015


Writing Your Campaign Video Script

At the very core of a crowdfunding campaign is a story. Most good stories told with video start out with a script. A good story has a beginning a middle and an end. You know when you’ve just witnesses a good story because it leaves you riveted and at the edge of your seat, or time flies right in front of you and before you know it, two hours has past. Hollywood has been doing it since the beginning of time — think back to some of the greatest movies you’ve ever seen and recount the thrill that comes from a great story.

Crowdfunding campaign stories are a little different though. The storytelling method that you are most used to is being entertained after you pay money for it (or stream online for free). In that case you pay for the story before you actually witness the story. In crowdfunding, the method that you need to wrap your head around is giving someone the story before they pay for it.


3 Ways to Improve Your Crowdfunding Campaign

The elements of a successful crowdfunding campaign are often so intangible, that they often go unnoticed. The highest dollar raised campaigns on rewards-based crowdfunding are what we like to call, “unicorns,” because they are increasingly rare. The odds are that you simply will not raise millions of dollars without an air-tight plan and world-class execution by a professional agency that can get you the exposure necessary for that level of success.